ONLINE TUTORING Homework help and tutoring sessions, at no charge, based on your needs
RESOURCES FOR PARENTS For more inspiration on how to get involved in your child’s learning…
LEARN @ HOME A curated list of resources for parents and their children learning at home
Community Learning Centres (CLC), also known as ‘community schools’, support student success and contribute to the vitality of English-speaking communities in Québec.
The one-year Training for a Semiskilled Trade (TST) program provides focused training in the workplace leading to certification in a designated semiskilled trade, in addition to the opportunity for intensive academic study in the three core academic subjects: English Language Arts; Mathematics; and, French Second Language.
The sections below contain a rich variety of resources to support teachers in providing high-quality instruction adapted to the needs of their students. Under Teaching and Learning Tools you will find Learning and Evaluation Situations developed by Québec teachers specifically for the TST program, in addition to other locally-developed resources. For even more teaching resources, check out the recommended links under Curated Resources. Information about our vibrant WOTP Mentoring: Communities of Practice project is under Professional Learning; links to the official MEQ Directory of Semiskilled Trades and curriculum documents can be found under MEQ Resources; and, finally, don’t miss hearing directly from our students themselves through their compelling video testimonials.
WorkPress: WOTP Community News
The WorkPress: WOTP Community News* blog/newsletter offers inspiring articles for teachers, technicians/job coaches, consultants, principals, and guidance counsellors teaching or supporting the PWT and TST programs in their schools. Go to site
For information about the WOTP please contact Marsha Gouett
WorkPress* is published by DEEN-CREATE, in collaboration with the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec (MEQ), Direction du soutien au réseau éducatif anglophone (DSREA), and is funded by the MEQ contributions from the Canada-Québec Agreement on Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction.
Teaching and Learning Tools
The resources below have been developed to align with the Québec Education Program (QEP) for Training for a Semiskilled Trade. Contributions can be found from a variety of educators across Québec: WOTP teachers, WOTP consultants and other members of the CREATE Subcommittee, and the WOTP Project Development Officer. The QEP for Training for a Semiskilled Trade supports flexible pedagogy and differentiated instruction; teachers are encouraged to adapt or modify these resources to meet the needs of their students as required.
FLS Oral Activities Go to page This global simulation game was developed by consultants, teachers and MEQ representatives specifically to help WOTP students communicate orally in everyday situations and on the job. The section "Fondements" provides background information and references to the WOTP FLS programs and to the Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). The next section explains how to set up the game, and the final section provides 22 activities.
Additional Resources
Project Based Learning Projects 2014-2021 Over the years at WOTP Mentoring Community of Practice sessions, many teachers have shared projects they have worked on with their students. This chart was compiled so that all these great ideas and resources are easy to find and in one location. Look no further if you need inspiration, motivation, and ideas for your next hands-on project. Download
Math LES: My mobile Canteen Small Business Download
Math LES: Math in the Real World: Road Trip Download
Additional Resources
Project Based Learning Projects 2014-2021 Over the years at WOTP Mentoring Community of Practice sessions, many teachers have shared projects they have worked on with their students. This chart was compiled so that all these great ideas and resources are easy to find and in one location. Look no further if you need inspiration, motivation, and ideas for your next hands-on project. Download
Career Development
Preparation for the Job Market Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade
The two documents below are handy overviews of the Career Development programs: Preparation for the Job Market and Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade. Each document lists the program competencies, the key features and learning targets of the competencies, and the evaluation criteria. As well, program content (concepts and strategies) and resources are summarized in easy-to-read charts. These documents may prove helpful at report card time! Preparation for the Job Market OverviewDownload Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade OverviewDownload
Preparation for the Job Market (PJM)
Preparation for the Job Market Curriculum Map Download
Project Based Learning Projects 2014-2021 Over the years at WOTP Mentoring Community of Practice sessions, many teachers have shared projects they have worked on with their students. This chart was compiled so that all these great ideas and resources are easy to find and in one location. Look no further if you need inspiration, motivation, and ideas for your next hands-on project. Download
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) WHMIS Pictograms Template (English) Download WHMIS Pictograms Template (French) Download
Directory of Semiskilled Trades
Link to the MEQ Directory of Semiskilled Trades online: Go to site
Summary of the Directory of Semiskilled Trades 2022-2023 Download*Note: This “Summary” is not an official document. The MEQ online version is the only up-to-date and official Directory of Semiskilled Trades. In the event of any discrepancies, the online Directory will be the final word. This summary is updated annually.
Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade Sample Training Plan (from Evaluation Toolkit, page 9) Download
Updated: January 30, 2023
Administrative Resources
This page offers resources for administrators of the Training for a Semiskilled Trade (TST) Program.
Training Certificate for a Semiskilled Trade. Published on June 13, 2022, on the MEQ's YouTube site (Éducation Québec), this "video presents the Training Certificate for a Semiskilled Trade (TCST), the training required to obtain this certification and the possible opportunities following the acquisition of the certificate" (including the bridge to vocational training).
The link to "Information on academic and career guidance" (SARCA – Les services d'accueil, de référence, de conseil et d'accompagnement) is provided at the end of the video.
These resources are the result of a WOTP Mentoring Community of Practice (2022) session titled, WOTP Material Creation. The goal of this session was to create WOTP materials for employers. The content in the WOTP brochure and Employer's Handbook was suggested by the participants in this session.
These materials are to serve as a template/guide. School teams are encouraged to adapt or modify these materials to reflect the reality of their community. These materials have been made available in pdf and word format.
The Employer's Handbook contains the following documents: WOTP Employer's Handbook Introduction, WOTP Sample Agreement 2022, Employer Training Plan/Feedback, Employer Tax Credit Information, and Student Information Form.
Session 3: May 9, 2023. AgendaDownload Creating and Maintaining a Positive Classroom Culture, Kymberly Morin Download Cross-Curricular Activities, D’Arcy McGee Mod Squad, Teachers, WQSB Download Dungeons and Dragons in ELA, Alex Bon-Miller Download Using a Digital Portfolio in PJM, Steve Beketa Download Approaches to Literacy Assessment, John Le Blanc Download WOTP 101: Part 3 - Year-End Reporting and Certification in the WOTP, Marsha Gouett Download Exit SurveyDownload
Session 2: April 19, 2023. AgendaDownload Students "at academic risk” in regular education classrooms, Joanna Mckay Download The What & Why of ASP, Steve Greig Download WOTP 101 Part 2: The Bridges in WOTP, Marsha Gouett Download Exit SurveyDownload
Session 1: February 3, 2023 AgendaDownload WOTP Venn Diagram, Steve Greig Download The Single Point Rubric, John Le Blanc Download My Reality, Catherine Nadon Download Advice for New-to-WOTP Teachers, Shannon McGovern Download WOTP 101, Part I: Admission Requirements and Profile, Marsha Gouett Download Macdonald High PD, Cameron May, Download Exit SurveyDownload
2021-22 Resources (COVID times)
The following resources are the result of a WOTP Mentoring Community of Practice (2022) session titled, WOTP Material Creation. The goal of this session was to create WOTP materials for employers. The content in the WOTP brochure and Employer's Handbook was suggested by the participants in this session.
These materials are to serve as a template/guide. School teams are encouraged to adapt or modify these materials to reflect the reality of their community. These materials have been made available in pdf and word format.
The Employer's Handbook contains the following documents: WOTP Employer's Handbook Introduction, WOTP Sample Agreement 2022, Employer Training Plan/Feedback, Employer Tax Credit Information, and Student Information Form.
Community and Connection PosterDownload _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Project Based Learning Projects 2014-2021
Over the years at WOTP Mentoring Community of Practice sessions, many teachers have shared projects they have worked on with their students. This chart was compiled so that all these great ideas and resources are easy to find and in one location. Look no further if you need inspiration, motivation, and ideas for your next hands-on project. Download
Mentoring Archive: Refer to the lists below for available resources from previous years' mentoring days.
hide list
Session 7: End of Year Evaluation and Reporting, Friday, April 29, 2022
Summary *NOTE: The information contained in this summary regarding WOTP work placements and certification in the context of the pandemic is in effect as of December 15, 2020, and is subject to change pending further announcements/updates from the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec.Download
Day 3 A Brief Introduction to Differentiation Download
Day 3 The ABC's of Mental Health - Meeting the Needs Within a School Context Download
LCEEQ 13th Annual Conference, February 7-8, 2022
Click the image to go to the LCEEQ conference site.
LCEEQ Conference 2022, "The Reflective Practioner" will provide the opportunity for reflection and collegial exchange on a number of issues including: a deeper understanding of learning, how the curriculum should enhance such, the role of assessment, equity, and diversity, optimizing technology, and the importance of health and well-being for all. Go to site
QPAT October 14 & 15, 2021
Click the image to go to the QPAT website
An evening with Margaret Atwood Preliminary list of confirmed workshops available. Check the QPAT site for further details. Go to site
LCEEQ 12th Annual Conference, February 2021 – Online
If there was one thing we learned, it was that we need to be more sensitive to what is happening around the world and that our students at all levels need to develop a world view. LCEEQ had decided prior to the Covid-19 shutdown to focus on the theme, “Global Commitment Through Local Action” given that many of our members were moving in that direction.
Click the image
QPAT Annual Teacher's Convention 2019: WOTP Presentation, It's Never Too Late to Intervene!
This presentation by Jennifer Abrantes (Laval Senior High School, SWLSB) and Joanna McKay (WOTP Project Development Officer) delves into "research-based interventions for adolescent struggling readers." Download
Information Session: Implementing the Bridge from Training for a Semiskilled Trade (WOTP) to Vocational Training: MEES Criteria and Special Funding
June 12, 2019 Resources (annual resources updated as available)
Annexe VII TCST – DVS Bridge, 2021-22 NOTE: Please refer to this previous Annexe as schedules VII and VIII were not included in the current version.Download
Annexe VII TCST – DVS Bridge, 2022-23Download Schedule VII is missing because it was not finalized.
QPAT Annual Teacher's Convention 2018: WOTP Presentation, Making it Work!
This was an engaging and informative session facilitated by experienced WOTP teachers Patrick Cousins and Sandra Iacovozzi of Howard S. Billings High School, New Frontiers School Board. They shared their experience and lessons learned in building a strong and successful WOTP program, in addition to recommending some interesting classroom-tested teaching resources. Presentation Download . Resource List Download .
CDI Newsletter Archives
The Career Development and Work-Oriented Training Program Info (CDI) newsletter (2009-2014) targeted educators in POP, Explo, EN and WOTP. It helped keep educators connected with the anglophone education community, classroom pedagogy, technology, resources available, upcoming professional development opportunities, and so much more.
The issues listed below make specific reference to WOTP. The complete CD newsletter archives is available on the Career Development pages under Professional Learning. Go to site
Curated resources are helpful, vetted, external resouces (not developed by LEARN, our teaching community, or MEQ). Please click here to report any broken links.
Literacy Today Literacy Today is a website designed for English Language Arts teachers in Quebec. The site includes project ideas for incorporating video, photography, comic books and picture books appropriate for all ages into your ELA classroom, in addition to a section on Differentiation. Go to site
Common Sense Media Common Sense Media is an independent, nonprofit organization (U.S. based) dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. The website offers tool kits, videos and other resources for teachers, parents and students related to media literacy, digital citizenship, and educational technology. Go to site
Khan Academy: The Art of Storytelling What makes a story great? What makes someone a good storyteller? Storytelling is something we all do naturally, starting at a young age, but there’s a difference between good storytelling and great storytelling. The Kahn Academy and Pixar collaborated on The Art of Storytelling, which includes structured activities and engaging videos to help your students find their own unique storytelling voice. Lessons 1 to 3 can apply to all types of storytelling; Lessons 4 to 6 are tailored to making movies: Lesson 1: We are all storytellers; Lesson 2: Character; Lesson 3: Story structure; Lesson 4: Visual language; Lesson 5: Film grammar; and, Lesson 6: Storyboard your film. Go to site
Shapes of Mind Shapes of Mind is the website of the Inclusive Schools Network (ISN), led by Dr. Lynn Senecal. ISN emphasizes developmental (continuum-based) approaches to teaching/learning – those that promote high standards in today’s diverse classes. A key premise of ISN is that all students are members of the academic community, and benefit from rich learning experiences. Go to site
Français langue seconde (FLS)
Portfolio scolaire des langues During the 2017-2018 school year, as part of the overall WOTP Mentoring: Communities of Practice project, interested WOTP Français langue seconde teachers will come together to collaborate on implementing a school-based language portfolio to help situate and support our very diverse language learners. The WOTP Mentoring Project expresses its gratitude to Lester B. Pearson School Board FLS Consultant, Marc-Albert Paquette, for his leadership and support in this initiative. Merci beaucoup MAP! The portfolio is based upon Le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). The following link will take you to more detailed information about the portfolio and its use: Go to site
Travailleur avisé, travailleur en santé! Ressources pour les élèves ayant des besoins d’apprentissage particuliers. Sept leçons de base sur la santé et la sécurity. Go to site
Université de Québec á Trois-Rivières Textes et narrations: français langue étrangère Vous y trouverez plus de 60 fiches de lecture, accompagnées des narrations en format MP3. Ces fiches ont été conçues pour des apprenants adultes en français langue étrangère. Elles s’adressent particulièrement á des apprenants de niveau débutant. Go to site
Se donner le mot «Christopher Hall et Pierre Verville vous entraînent dans leur monde rocambolesque à la découverte des expressions idiomatiques. Se donner le mot, c'est l'apprentissage du français à l’aide de 52 expressions idiomatiques. C'est l'outil par excellence pour faire des découvertes linguistiques dans un cadre créatif, interactif et ludique.» Go to site
Math, Science and Technology
Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning by S. Parrish Go to site
Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School From What Works Clearninghouse (TST) Go to site
Inclusion in Texas: Inclusive Practices in Math Understanding Math through a Progressive Approach Model. This website has 23 modules that focus on instructional routines for Mathematical Intervention Go to site
Gap Closing Mathematics This Ontario Education website offers Gap Closing math resources developed by Dr. Marian Small. They are “designed for students who need additional support in mathematics. For each topic in the resource, there is a diagnostic and a set of intervention materials. Diagnostics are designed to uncover the typical problems students have with a specific topic.” Go to site
Three-Act Math Dan Meyer’s TED talk begins with the lines: “I teach high school math. I sell a product to a market that doesn't want it, but is forced by law to buy it. I mean, it's just a losing proposition.” Dan’s answer to this predicament was to develop an engaging approach to problem solving that develops mathematical reasoning and includes visual representations of real-world math problems. First, watch: Dan’s TED Talk:Go to site Then, try some Three-Act Math problems developed by Graham Fletcher: Go to site
Math 6 Spy Guys This is a fun, interactive website designed by Alberta Learning to support the teaching of Grade 6 math concepts. Many are appropriate for either a PWT or TST class. For example, the area and perimeter lesson is great for practical tasks which might be found in the workplace. Go to site
Flocabulary Flocabulary produces animated “rap” music videos which use repetition and rhythm to help students remember basic math rules. Full access requires a paid subscription, but a few videos are freely available free on YouTube. Recently available examples are below, or search YouTube for Flocabulary. Go to site
Career Development
Preparation for the Job Market Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade
Ciarlante, Kate, Understanding Autism: An Employer's Guide, Organization for Autism Research, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2012. This booklet "offers practical tips for integrating people with autism into the workplace." Includes job coaching. Suggestions in the tool for young autistic adults can also be of value for WOTP students. To download or order free copies, Go to site
Risk Identification Tool: Occupational Health and Safety Management. CNESST 2016. Download
Passport to Safety - setting the standard Go to site
Le travail chez les jeunes au secondaire du Quebec. French only. This report from the Ministry of Health and Social Services presents research findings on secondary students who work part-time. Information on work-place injuries could be relevant in the context of WOTP work placements. (See pages 1, 8 and 9). Download
Work Safe. For Life. Worker's Compensation Board of Nova Scotia. Go to Site
Mental Health and Mindset
The Centre of Excellence for Mental Health (CEMH) The CEMH is an English language, Quebec- based organization which assists schools in the implementation of best practice approaches in prevention, intervention and research in the field of mental health. They have a wealth of information and resources for educators on a variety of topics, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Go to site
CEMH Postcards In addition, the CEMH regularly produces newsletters (or “Postcards”), which helpfully summarize practical advice for students, teachers and families on specific mental health concerns in children and teens. Go to site
LearnStorm Growth Mindset Activities Khan Academy and LearnStorm collaborated to create a series of Mindset lessons/activities designed for teachers to use with their students, or students to follow on their own. This set of six guided lessons includes information, videos and resources to help students understand what “mindset” is, and how they can develop a “growth” mindset as opposed to a “fixed” mindset. Go to site
Updated: January 26, 2022
TST Student Testimonial Videos
In the testimonials below, students candidly share their personal stories about working and learning within the Training for a Semiskilled Trade program. Congratulations to Kevin and Jeremy for their honesty, maturity, perseverance and hard work! In addition to displaying these exceptional qualities, the students from Howard S. Billings High School also receive our admiration for their perfect comedic timing!
It is important to remember that each student’s work experience within the Training for a Semiskilled Trade program will be unique, based upon the opportunities available within the local community and the interests and abilities of the student. Certification within Training for a Semiskilled Trade depends upon the mastery of all the competencies required to perform a specific Semiskilled Trade, as found in the MEES Directory of Semiskilled Trades.
Kevin Latraverse from Rosemere High School, Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, 3rd Prize Winner, 2014-2015
Jeremy, First Prize Winner, 2013-2014
Justin Arthur-Adjei, Justin Agard, John Jr. Chilcott, Shane Mayer, Anthony Ojeda and Devin Mayo from Howard S. Billings High School, New Frontiers School Board, 2nd Prize Winner, 2014-2015
WOTP Consultants
WOTP Consultants
WOTP Project Development Officer To be determined
Central Quebec School Board Lucie Gingras
Cree School Board Marie-Eve Martin
Eastern Shores School Board Sarah Chicoine
Eastern Townships School Board Kymberley Morin
English Montreal School Board To be determined
Kahnawake Education Centre Jason Brand
Kativik School Board Cory Burlingham
Lester B. Pearson School Board John Le Blanc
Littoral School Board Jean-François Rodrigue
New Frontiers School Board Celina Bérubé
Riverside School Board Kerrie Bremner
Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Dimitra Tzoutsourakis (on leave) Geneviève Ducharme
Répertoire des métiers semi-spécialisés Go to site
Summary of the Directory of Semiskilled Trades 2022-2023* Download *Note: This “Summary” is not an official document. The MEQ online version is the only up-to-date and official Directory of Semiskilled Trades. In the event of any discrepancies, the online Directory will be the final word. This summary is updated annually.
Form for suggesting a semiskilled trade (French). If you have an idea for a new semiskilled trade, use this form and send it to Gabrielle Derocher. Download
TST Programs
WOTP Prework Training and Training for a Semiskilled Trade, Chapter 5 Go to site
Introduction to the QEP (common to all pathways), Chapters 1-4 Go to site
Frameworks for the Evaluation of Learning Go to siteNB: Due to a temporary problem with the page on the MEQ site, Frameworks documents can be obtained from your school board’s WOTP consultant.
Other MEQ Resources
Basic School Regulation (BSR or Régime pédagogique), Sections 23.3 to 23.5 Go to site
Guide to Organizing Practicums in the Workplace Download
Tax Credits for an On-the-Job Training Period Go to site
ACGC in Secondary Cycle Two and WOTP This document explains the connections between the ACGC and the subject-specific content in the WOTP. It demonstrates that all Secondary Cycle Two ACGC items can be incorporated into the WOTP subject-specific content. Download
Lexique bilingue du PFAE / Bilingual Lexicon of the WOTP This complete and updated version was presented at the provincial "PFAE" meeting, June 2021. Download
Training Certificate for a Semiskilled Trade. Published on June 13, 2022, on the MEQ's YouTube site (Éducation Québec), this "video presents the Training Certificate for a Semiskilled Trade (TCST), the training required to obtain this certification and the possible opportunities following the acquisition of the certificate" (including the bridge to vocational training).
The link to "Information on academic and career guidance" (SARCA – Les services d'accueil, de référence, de conseil et d'accompagnement) is provided at the end of the video.
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