Applying UDL Principles to my Class

Many of you will have encountered this term at conferences, in training and publications. It sounds appealing, ground breaking and slightly daunting!

This session will seek to introduce the basic concepts of Universal Design for Learning from a hands-on-perspective: What is it? Why is it becoming increasingly important in achieving inclusion? How can I start exploring and implementing it as a teacher everyday in my own clasroom?

February 3, 2014

Audience : Secondary Teachers

Presenter Frederic Fovet brings to the field of inclusion a unique profile in the sense that he has a combined background in Law (he was a practising solicitor in the UK) and an academic research interest in Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (he holds a MEd in SEBD from the University of Birmingham in the UK). It is undoubtedly this dual perspective that makes UDL so appealing. He has himself been a Special Ed teacher and the principal of a residential school for adolescents with Learning Disabilities and behaviour difficulties for over a decade, before triggering at the head of the OSD at McGill a radical and campus wide drive for UDL implementation.

Comment s’outiller pour enseigner le français, langue seconde en ligne? 

LEARN, LBPSB et le RÉCIT de la communauté anglophone vous invitent à un rendez-vous virtuel avec Shawn Lefebvre, enseignant en immersion française à Foothill School Division en Alberta. 

Dans le cadre de cette conversation virtuelle, il partagera avec vous ses succès, ses erreurs, mais surtout ses apprentissages qui lui ont permis de développer sa confiance en tant que nouvel enseignant en ligne. Ce rendez-vous virtuel sera également l’occasion pour chaque participant d’échanger leurs expériences et leurs questions.

Audience : Enseignant.e.s

Invité spécial: Shawn Lefebvre 

Shawn Lefebvre s’est rapidement intéressé aux modèles d’enseignement hybride dès le début de la pandémie au Canada. Il a trouvé des façons novatrices de préserver l’engagement de ses élèves dans leur apprentissage et de stimuler leur volonté d’apprendre le français.

Dynamiser sa classe de FLS avec des outils web 2.0

De plus en plus, les enseignants du FLE/S proposent des outils didactiques variés qui placent la perspective actionnelle, les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et la dimension (inter)culturelle au cœur de l’apprentissage. Le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour l’enseignement des Langues (CECRL) propose un ensemble de concepts propres à revivifier l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères. 

Parmi ces concepts, le scénario pédagogique, qui fait l’objet de nombreuses définitions, place l’apprenant comme acteur social. L’aspect de définition qui nous intéresse le plus est qu’une situation d’apprentissage évaluée (SAÉ) est décrite et organisée par un enseignant utilisant les technologies numériques et visant l’appropriation d’un ensemble précis de connaissances afin d’e ncadrer les apprentissages de ses apprenants.

Dans notre présentation, nous explorerons la démarche suivie par l’enseignant dans un scénario pédagogique en classe de langues. Nous montrerons ensuite comment l’utilisation des technologies permet à l’apprenant de jouer ce rôle actif en développant son autonomie, en suscitant sa motivation et en facilitant l’interaction avec la communauté.

le 29 mai 2014

Audience : Enseignant.e.s universitaires

Conférencière Cynthia Eid, PhD., est conseillère pédagogique au vice rectorat adjoint aux études, services de soutien à l’enseignement, Université de Montréal, Canada. Elle est aussi développeuse de matériel pédagogique pour le ministère de l’Immigration et des communautés culturelles (MICC) au Québec.


Anxiety in the Classroom: Identification and Management

This webinar is designed specifically for teachers to help them understand the different pathways anxiety can manifest in students and the effects this can have on their learning. Specifically, strategies will be provided to help teachers balance the need for students to reach educational goals while being sensitive to the underlying stress and consequences this can have.

January 25, 2016

Audience : All Teachers, Administrators

Presenter Dr. Felicia Kaufman has been managing the Counselling Department at Agence Ometz over the past few years, supervising the team of therapists and students and coordinating the adult and family therapy programs. Dr. Kaufman has a private practice where she works with adolescents, young adults, and adults specializing in anxiety, depression, addictions, autism spectrum disorders, divorce, and various forms of life stress.


Helping Students Succeed in School: How-To's to the Rescue

LEARN’s How-To project was born out of the need to put common pedagogical tasks in the hands of the students. How-To’s are short but detailed step by step instructions for various things that students need to do for different subjects. They help students become autonomous and provide extra scaffolding for students who need it. This dynamic web event will explore the various How-To’s on the site and will include a question and answer session with some of their creators. As well, suggestions for future development will be discussed with participants.

January 27, 2015

Audience : Teachers: Elementary Cycle 3 to Secondary

Presenters are LEARN pedagogical consultants: Sylwia Bielec, Kerry Cule, Julie Paré, Paul Rombough, Kristine Thibeault and Susan van Gelder.



Rendre possible l'impossible. Les TIC au service de l'apprentissage.

Comment transformer l’enseignement du FLS en salle de classe à partir du modèle SAMR du Dr Reuben Puentedura? Une présentation d’outils numériques gagnants et des exemples pratiques pour la salle de classe.

le 22 mars 2017

Audience : Enseignant.e.s du primaire et du secondaire

Conférencière Louise Outland est enseignante de FLS à Beurling Academy (LBPSB). Spécialiste en FLS au primaire, Louise enseigne, depuis 2003, dans le programme d’immersion (précoce et tardif) de la Colombie-Britannique. Elle a également travaillé en tant que conseillère pédagogique pour les langues modernes à la C.S. d’Abbotsford, (C.-B.). Elle a de même été directrice adjointe et directrice de l’école d’été pour la même commission scolaire. Depuis août 2010, elle enseigne au Québec au niveau secondaire. Elle est formatrice et évaluatrice du DELF/DALF  et 2e vice-présidente de l’AQEFLS et sans contredit une passionnée des TIC! 


Web Event (Recording) with Brian Smith from

This is an archived session given by Brian Smith of the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education to teachers and consultants in September 2017, in support of the new Financial Education Program in Quebec.  In this presentation, Brian describes his and CFEE's role and resources offered via their website, visits to schools, and in terms of online and print materials.

Audience : Teachers

Brian Smith is Vice-President of the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education  He has been promoting financial literacy resources to youth in Montreal for the past eight years, and is founder of the Monnaie Money Financial Literacy project at the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Côte-des-Neiges. Brian is also a winner of several awards for his achievements, including  the Financial Literacy Educator of the Year Award, Prosper Canada Passion for Financial Literacy Award, and the Notre Dame de Grâce Outstanding Citizen Award.

Évaluer mes élèves à partir du iPad. Pour de vrai?

Cette cyberconférence vise à encourager les participants à utiliser de la technologie en salle de classe. Les participants apprendront des nouvelles façons pour évaluer les élèves en utilisant certaines applications sur les iPads.

avril 2015

Audience : Enseignant.e.s secondaire

Conférencière Louise Outland est une enseignante au secondaire en FLS/Sciences Humaines à Beurling Academy avec la CS Lester B. Pearson.  Elle enseigne au Québec depuis 2010. Auparavant, elle enseignait au programme d’immersion en Colombie-Britannique dans la région de la vallée du Fraser.  Elle est une spécialiste en acquisition de langue seconde et s’intéresse beaucoup à l’intégration de la technologie en salle de classe.

Projet BaladoWeb : à l’écoute de la culture

Explorer l’histoire de sa communauté et de sa ville : quelle expérience enrichissante !  À l’aide du site BaladoWeb, développé par le RÉCIT national, les élèves de trois écoles élémentaires de la commission scolaire English-Montréal ont créé des balados informant le public sur l’Histoire de Montréal.  Cette cyberconférence aura non seulement pour but de partager le travail produit dans le cadre d’un projet nommé “culture à l’écoute” mais également de détailler ses étapes de réalisation.

Le 3 novembre, 2015

Audience : Enseignant.e.s secondaire

Conférencier Kish Gué est un conseiller pédagogique des technologies de l’information et de la communication pour la commission scolaire English-Montréal depuis plusieurs années.  Il a auparavant été enseignant au primaire à la commission scolaire Riverside.


Coding to Learn

Learning to code has become an increasingly popular activity for children. This is a good trend. We feel, however, that one of the most powerful reasons for learning to code is undervalued. That reason is to be able to use code to learn. To learn art, to learn math, to learn science. Computer science is wonderful but there are so many other things that can be learned with the help of coding.

April 21, 2016

Audience : All educators

Presenters: Brian Silverman has been involved in the invention of learning environments for children, since the late 1970s. Brian is the president of the Playful Invention Company and  does design consulting  for the MIT Media Lab and LEGO. Artemis Papert is an artist creating in both traditional and digital media. After a first career as a research biologist she retrained as a Shiatsu therapist and is currently training to become a Jungian psychoanalyst.

Gamification: It’s Not All Fun And Games

Learn what gamification is and how it is so much more than just badges, experience points, and avatars. In this webinar, we’ll provide an introduction to gamification and cover several key elements of a gamified classroom. We’ll also take a look at a model being developed in Quebec General Adult Education that aims to provide students with a visual representation of course goals and milestones, recognizes student achievements + individual strengths, and encourages learners to be active participants in the learning process.

March 22, 2016

Audience : All Teachers, Adult Educators

Presenter Avi Spector is a pedagogical consultant with the Riverside School Board and the RECIT FGA Regional service. With a strong belief that pedagogy should always drive technology in the classroom, Avi helps teachers find relevant and sustainable ways of using technology to enhance learning and develop student competencies.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media: Moving Forward with Digital Citizenship

Being a connected learner is critical as a way for both educators and students to create authentic opportunities for collaboration and publication. However, do your students understand how to use technology in a safe and responsible way? This webinar will address a framework for teaching digital citizenship in your class/school. Examples of how your students can learn how to build their digital identities and learn how to harness the power of social media will be provided.

September 17, 2013

Audience : Teachers and Administrators, All Levels

Presenter Tanya Avrith, MA. Ed Tech is a Google Certified Teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator. As the Educational Technology and Digital Citizenship Lead Teacher for the Lester B. Pearson School Board, Tanya pioneered their Digital Citizenship Program which resulted in being invited to Facebook Headquarters to discuss digital citizenship education. She oversees the roll out of 1:1 MacBooks , 1:1 Chromebook and Google Apps for Education at her school board. Tanya is the co-founder of the #cdnedchat and co-hosts the EduSlam show. Follow Tanya @edtechschools and


Virtual Science Labs

What are virtual science labs and how can I use them in my classroom? Virtual labs can be used to augment or replace hands-on lab investigations if you:

  • -Have a limited amount of glassware, tools, and measuring devices available in the lab.
  • -Have no lab technician and you need assistance in preparing for your experiments.
  • -Find it difficult and costly to ship the standard chemicals and other specialty materials.
  • -Want to incorporate more computer-based activities info your classroom.

January 20, 2014

Audience : Science Teachers from Elementary Cycle 3 to Secondary

Presenter Kerry Cule is an online science teacher and secondary science consultant with LEARN. She has a background in electrical engineering and worked for 10 years in a high tech company before making the transition to teaching.

Towards an Understanding of Psychoeducational Evaluations

Psychoeducational evaluation reports can often be intimidating and overwhelming. What does it all mean and how can it be used for educational planning? The goal of this event is sensitize teachers and other professionals to the elements of a psychoeducational evaluation in order to help them better understand and apply the assessment data towards educational instruction.

February 5, 2015

Audience : All Teachers, Administrators

Presenter Elizabeth Shoiry, M.Ed., is an accredited neuropsychologist who has extensive experience working with students of all ages, families, teachers, administrators, and other professionals.


External links

The Multi-Faceted Role of the Resource Teacher

When working with students with special needs, the resource teacher can be a key link between the student, classroom practices and school environment. During the fall of 2013 a survey was distributed to resource teachers within the English School Boards in Quebec asking about the tasks they perform.  The results of this survey provide invaluable insight and acts as a springboard for a conversation about the role of resource support in the delivery of special education within your school.

September 22, 2014

Audience : Resource Teachers

Presenter Tara Wheeler has worked with students with behavioural, intellectual and physical disabilities for 16 years. She has been a Resource Teacher, Special Education Consultant and is now the Project Development Officer for the Work-Oriented Training Path. She has a Masters in Educational Leadership and so is interested in both special education and educational leadership.



External links

Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking

Once we understand how bullies are made, our attempts to unmake them can be more effective and long lasting. This presentation will dissect the bully syndrome to reveal its deep instinctive roots in the dynamics of attachment and vulnerability. This understanding will then inform interventions that are more likely to be successful.

January 27, 2015

Audience : All Teachers, Administrators

Presenter Eva de Gosztonyi, M.A., is a psychologist who has worked for 40 years in schools across Canada. She is the Co-ordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management, a support to the English School Boards of Quebec, helping them to provide effective interventions for students with behavioural challenges.

La rétroaction enregistrée

La rétroaction enregistrée OU Comment individualiser le soutien à l’apprentissage des élèves en production écrite sans se fatiguer !

Nous cherchons tous une façon moins pénible et plus efficace de corriger les productions écrites de nos élèves. La rétroaction enregistrée, une façon de corriger en enregistrant sa voix, m’y a grandement aidé. Peu importe le niveau de vos apprenants, il est possible d’adapter cette façon de faire à la réalité de votre milieu. 

le 26 mai 2016

Audience : Enseignant.e.s primaire - cycle 3, secondaire

Conseiller pédagogique en français langue seconde pour la commission scolaire Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier, au Québec (Canada), Marc-Albert Paquette est avant tout un praticien et un conférencier passionné de l’enseignement et de la langue française. Il est trésorier de l’Association canadienne des professeurs d’immersion et de l’Association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde. Il est également secrétaire de la Commission d’Amérique du Nord de la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français et ambassadeur du projet Bonjour du Monde pour le Canada.

Understanding Brain Functioning and How it Applies in the Classroom

This workshop will review three key aspects of learning. First, we will identify which brain networks are involved in learning. In part, we will review brain plasticity and the role of emotions in learning. We will then discuss what can be done within the classroom environment to enhance activation of these networks. Lastly we will discuss factors that can hinder learning such as mindset, anxiety and attention. The goal of this workshop is to provide teachers with relevant neuroscience information to help create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and the brain.

November 24, 2015

Audience : All educators

Presenter Cindy Hovington, PhD. is the founder of Curious Neuron, a program that provides people with the necessary skills and knowledge related to the brain. They create customized private sessions for children, students and seniors as well as workshops for students, teachers and parents.


Playing with Poetry

In this interactive and hands-on hour, teachers will come away with numerous methods to bring playful poetry into their English Language Arts curriculum. Geared for the elementary classroom, this session encourages and exposes the power and passion that poetry possesses. Participants will read, write and share a vast array of poems guaranteed to promote a love of words and wordplay. This is important since merely whispering "poetry" frightens almost everyone away.

June 10, 2013

Audience : Elementary ELA Teachers

Presenter Melanie Stonebanks has been part of the education community for the past 20 years. She has enjoyed her roles as elementary teacher, sessional lecturer at McGill University, consultant and team member at MELS in English Language Arts and pedagogical consultant at LEARN.


Exploring the Holocaust with your Students

It is 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and for some this is ancient history. The Holocaust remains a defining event of the 20th Century. Exploring the Holocaust can be difficult but it is important that students learn to examine tough topics which remain relevant today. Learn about the many primary source materials (interviews, videos, documents…) and tools as well as literature, drama and art opportunities that can give students a variety of approaches to help them comprehend this issue.

March 18, 2015

Audience : Elementary Cycle 3 to Secondary Teachers

Presenter Jacqueline Celemencki is the Education Coordinator at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre and is in the final stages of completing her PhD thesis in anti-racist education from McGill University.

Presenter Carmen Woolgar teaches secondary 5 ELA , Secondary 3 IB ELA and Yoga at Heritage Regional High School.


Let's Talk Books: Suggestions for your Secondary Students

A panel of people passionate about books will share some of their favourites for use with secondary students. These may be ideas for classroom use or just recommendations for both avid and reluctant readers. Bring some ideas to share with others. Let's talk books!

December 8, 2014

Audience : Secondary Teachers, Education Consultants, Librarians

Presenter Louise Bourque has been in the teaching profession for over 30 years. She has taught at the elementary, secondary and university level. She has presented at conferences across Canada and the USA. Before working as a consultant for the Riverside School Board, she worked for MELS presenting workshops for teachers in the implementation of the ELA curriculum.

Presenter Andrea Borod (a.k.a. The Book Dumpling) teaches high school English and Media at Lower Canada College. In her spare time, she tinkers with literacy, personalized book recommendations, and all things writing.


Flipping the Classroom

Everything you ever wanted to know about the flipped classroom and more!! During this webinar you will be given a brief description of what flipping the classroom is, and shown some of the simplest ways to do it. Tools for recording lessons and ideas for classroom activities will also be highlighted.

April 20, 2013

Audience : Secondary Teachers

Presenters:  Kerry Cule has a background in engineering and made the transition to teaching in 2007. Peggy Drolet has taught math at every high school level for over 25 years. Audrey McLaren has been teaching math for almost 30 years. Currently, all three teach online math and science courses for LEARN.



Writing Reflectively in Math and Science… Really? Whatever For?

The benefits of reflective writing for elementary and secondary levels will be discussed from the points of view of the students (self-regulated learning) and the teacher (formative assessment). This webinar focuses on the pedagogy of reflective practice, as opposed to any specific tool(s), but will include many exemplars from a range of tools, such as Twitter, Voicethread, blogs, googledocs, padlet, and epearl (digital portfolio).

April 22, 2015

Audience : Teachers: Elementary Cycle 3 to Secondary

Presenter Kerry Cule has a background in engineering and made the transition to teaching in 2007. At LEARN, she currently has two roles: online science teacher and secondary science consultant.

Presenter Peggy Drolet  has taught math at every high school level for over 25 years. Presently, she is teaching math online for LEARN.

Presenter Audrey McLaren is an online math teacher for LEARN. She has been teaching math for almost 30 years, the last 7 with LEARN in the online environment.


Schema Based Instruction

Schema Based Instruction: Teaching Children with Different Learning Needs to Successfully Solve Word Problems

Schema Based Instruction (SBI) is an instructional strategy that uses visual representations to teach children the underlying mathematical structure of a word problem. SBI helps children understand the relationships between the numbers in the problem, reduces the cognitive load on working memory, and helps them become more efficient problem solvers. During this webinar, you will be introduced to Schema Based Instruction and shown how it can be used to help children solve word problems. 

September 21, 2015

Audience : Pre-school, Elementary cycle 1 Resource Teachers, Special Education Consultants, Math Consultants

Presenter Kim Desmarais is an educator and Clinical Activities Specialist with over 12 years with children with special needs and their families. Instruction. She is currently a PhD student in the Research and Clinical Psychology program at Concordia University. Her research focuses on the problem solving strategies used by children with different learning needs during Schema Based Instruction (SBI).

Visual Journals with the Journal Fodder Junkies

The Journal Fodder Junkies will discuss their new book, Journal Fodder 365: Daily Doses of Inspiration for the Art Addict and guide participants through a hands-on mixed media demonstration. Activities will utilize writing, image transfers and page manipulations in the visual journal. Have your journal and favorite art making supplies on hand and join in on the experience. 

November 21, 2012

Audience : Teachers: Elementary to Secondary (ELA & Visual Arts)

Presenters David R. Modler and Eric M. Scott are the Journal Fodder Junkies. This dynamic duo are artists, educators, authors, and internationally recognized experts on the visual journal. They have presented at state, national, and international conferences and conventions, and they have provided workshops at artist retreats and other venues across North America.