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Community Learning Centres (CLC), also known as ‘community schools’, support student success and contribute to the vitality of English-speaking communities in Québec.
Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC) is specific learning content for students from Elementary Cycle Three to Secondary Cycle Two. These content items and their accompanying Expected Student Learning Outcomes address three broad themes: self-knowledge, knowledge of the world of school, and knowledge of the world of work.
The GOAL Post
The GOAL Post* newsletter/blog highlights exciting GOAL-related activities in schools and in the community. As well, The GOAL Post contains a wealth of information on the Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC). Go to site
Please report any broken links immediately to the website coordinator. For information about the ACGC please contact Marsha Gouett.
*The GOAL Post is published by the GOAL Network in collaboration with Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec (MEQ), Direction du soutien au réseau éducatif anglophone (DSREA) and funded by MEQ through the Canada-Québec Agreement on Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction.
ACGC Teaching and Learning Tools
Teaching and Learning Tools are resources developed either individually by, or in collaboration between, the GOAL Network, the GOAL teaching community, the school boards, and the ACGC Regional Resource.
The tables of ACGC content are located in the "ACGC MEQ Resources" sections below.
Continuum with Links_2023_04_03Download This version of the continuum provides direct links to Turnkey Materials (learning situations), Summary Sheets, and Record-Keeping Tools (graphic organizers) for every ACGC item at all levels. Please note the date in the title as updates will be posted until all the ACGCs have live links and as further materials are made available.
Annual Planning Tool
This annual planning tool provides a simple template for school teams to easily map out the ACGC items that will be implemented, how they will be implemented (Learning Situations, materials, etc.) and when they will be implemented (in the school year or cycle).
Annual Planning Tool - Elementary Cycle III Download
ACGC Learning Situations
ACGC learning situations (LS) are being developed in collaboration between the school boards and the Regional Resource for the ACGC, Anglophone, First Nations, and Inuit Sectors. Unless otherwise indicated, they are working documents, and are the property of the indicated school boards.
The Learning Situation Models take into account several tools offered by the MEQ to implement ACGC items, such as the Template, the Summary Sheets, the Pedagogical Intentions and the Record-Keeping Tools. The link to each LS Model is placed below each content item. Go to site
The Record-Keeping Tools are a type of graphic organizer, and their use is optional. Please read the brief introduction to the tool as it applies for all the content items. The link to each tool is placed below each content item. Go to site
Resources for each LS will include: Planning Synthesis, Teacher's Guide, and Student Booklet.
Template for Writing Learning Situations This template is intended as a support to those involved in writing learning situations for ACGC at both the elementary and secondary levels. Go to site
Québec Education Program Summary Table of Subject-Specific Competencies This table lists the subject-specific competencies in all programs at the elementary level. It is a very handy reference tool if you wish to create a learning situation where the ACGC is infused into a specific subject. Click the link, then click Summary Table, the first item in the box. Go to site
1. INTERESTS AND APTITUDES: Produce a description of himself/herself in terms of interests and aptitudes
Learning Situation: Learning More About Myself - Who Am I? – English Language Arts or Ethics and Religious Culture, Elementary Cycle Three, Grade 5 or 6 (Lester B. Pearson SB, Riverside SB, English Montreal SB)
2. SOCIAL INFLUENCES: Select examples where his/her attitudes, behaviour or values are influenced by others, and examples where he/she influences others
4. STRENGTHS IN THE PROCESS OF TRANSITION: Select various personal characteristics that will be useful in preparing for the transition from elementary school to secondary school
Learning Situation: A Celebration Pole of Strengths – Visual Arts, Grade 6 (CSS de la Capitale, des Découvreurs, Portneuf and des Premières seigneuries) *Translated and adapted by the English education community in Quebec
GOAL Network / ACGC Community of Practice (CoP) meeting dates for 2022-23:
Meeting #5: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 1:00-4:00. Online,
Meeting #4: Monday, March 20, 2023, 9:00-12:00. Online
Meeting #3: January 23, 2023. Online
Meeting #2: November 8, 2022. Online.
Meeting #1: Wednesday, September 14, 2022. Online
Visit GOAL
. . . see also GOAL professional learning. Go to page
Presentations by Your GOAL Network
QPAT Annual Teachers' Convention 2019 presentation: What is Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC)?
This presentation by Vicky Parsons (New Frontiers School Board) and Gisella Scalia (ACGC Regional Resource Person for the Anglophone sector) is an excellent primer which begins with the Learning Related to the ACGC (also known as "the tables"). The tables include each content item and its theme, as well as the corresponding Expected Student Learning Outcome (ESLO) and Learning Strategy. The presentation breaks down and illuminates every aspect of ACGC for teachers. Download (Note: this is a large PDF and may take a minute to download.)
Upcoming Conferences
CERIC Cannexus23, January 23-25, 2023, Virtual + In-Person,Ottawa
This is the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) annual conference. "Be part of Canada's largest conference focused on career and workforce development. Choose between attending virtually or in-person at our first hybrid conference. Stretch your budget – Register by Sept. 9 to take advantage of special Gratitude rates!"Go to site
LCEEQ 14th Annual Conference, Monday, February 6, 2023;Tuesday, February 7, 2023
The QPAT 2022 guest speaker is Rick Mercer. Check the QPAT convention site for Rick's bio. More details coming soon . . . Go to site
Past Conferences
CERIC Cannexus22, January 24-26, 2022 and reflection on February 4, 2022
The Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) annual conference was fully virtual. Go to site
LCEEQ 13th Annual Conference, February 7-8, 2022
LCEEQ Conference 2022, "The Reflective Practioner" provided the opportunity for reflection and collegial exchange on a number of issues including: a deeper understanding of learning, how the curriculum should enhance such, the role of assessment, equity, and diversity, optimizing technology, and the importance of health and well-being for all. Go to site
QPAT October 14 & 15, 2021
An evening with Margaret Atwood. Check the QPAT site for further details. Go to site
Updated: March 3, 2023
ACGC MEQ Resources
Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC)
Contenus en orientation scolaire et professionelle (COSP)
ACGC is specific learning content for students from Elementary Cycle Three to Secondary Cycle Two. These content items and their accompanying Expected Student Learning Outcomes address three broad themes: self-knowledge, knowledge of the world of school, and knowledge of the world of work.
For more information about ACGC, contact your school board's GOAL consultant. For the latest news and updates on ACGC, see also The GOAL Post.Go to site
ACGC Flyer for Parents
This flyer includes the ACGC "continuum" table, suggestions for parents to talk with their kids about the ACGC, and suggestions for engaging with their kids in their learning. Go to site
ACGC Documents
The following are the official MEQ documents related to ACGC implementation.
Content Tables
Academic and Career Guidance Content Elementary Cycle Three. This table includes the Areas and the Expected Student Learning Outcomes Go to site
Continuum of Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC) This one-page chart lists all compulsory content items and their accompanying Expected Student Learning Outcomes (ESLO) grouped in the following columns: Elementary Cycle Three, Secondary Cycle One, Secondary Cycle Two (Sec III) and Secondary Cycle Two (Sec IV and V). Go to site
Summaries of the Learning Situations. On Vibe see Reference Tools, and under Learning situations, select Summary Chart of the Learning Situations.xlsx. See the tabs at the bottom of the worksheet for each cycle. Download
ACGC Related to the CASP-I Education Program: A Competency-Based Approach to Social Participation and the Challenges Adapted Curriculum: An Educational Approach that Facilitates Social Integration, September 2021. On Vibe see Reference Tools. Download or Go to site
Implementation Guide of Compulsory ACGC in Elementary School: For Professionals and Administrators. This comprehensive guide, with updated graphics features all aspects of ACGC implementation. Go to site
Summary Sheets for the ACGC for Elementary Cycle Three. Go to site
Educational Aims and Clarifications Regarding Compulsory Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC) in Elementary Cycle Three. Go to page
Six Compulsory Content Items: Aims and Explanations
AREA 1: Self-knowledge
INTERESTS AND APTITUDES: Produce a description of himself/herself in terms of interests and aptitudes. Go to page
SOCIAL INFLUENCES: Select examples where his/her attitudes, behaviour or values are influenced by others, and examples where he/she influences others. Go to page
STUDENT DUTIES AND WORK METHODS: Compare the work methods and duties of a student with those observed in the world of work. Go to page
STRENGTHS IN THE PROCESS OF TRANSITION: Select various personal characteristics that will be useful in preparing for the transition from elementary school to secondary school. Go to page
AREA 2: Knowledge of the world of school
CHARACTERISTICS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL: Compare the main differences and similarities between elementary school and secondary school. Go to page
AREA 3: Knowledge of the world of work
OCCUPATIONS OF PEOPLE IN HIS/HER COMMUNITY: Develop a description of the occupations of people in his/her community. Go to page
Learning Strategies Associated With the ACGC for Elementary Cycle Three MEQ, ACGC file, working document, May 15, 2018 version. Four cognitive strategies that foster knowledge acquisition. Download
Template for Writing Learning Situations This template is intended as a general guide for writing learning situations for ACGC at both the elementary and secondary levels, however, it was not created for any specific ACGC. Go to site
ReferenceLists for the Creation of Pedagogical Material The aim of these reference lists is to support the development of instructional material related to the ACGC. The list in itself is not a pedagogical activity.
List of references-Strengths.pdf Go to site List of references-Perceptions, attitudes and behaviours.pdf Go to site List of references-Interests.pdf Go to site List of references-Interests and aptitudes-elementary cycle three.pdf Go to site List of references-Duties and work methods.pdf Go to site List of references-Attitudes, behaviours and value.pdf Go to site List of references-Aptitudes.pdf Go to site List of references-Values.pdf Go to site
THE 5 FUNDAMENTALS for Determining the Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC) Offer of Service, each cycle. Go to site
Ensuring a Smooth Transition from Elementary to Secondary School This guide provides education and health and social services personnel with information so that they may analyse and improve measures aimed at meeting students' needs during their elementary to secondary transition. Download
The "COSP" (Continus en orientation scolaire et professionnelle) are the French version of ACGC. The MEQ "COSP VIBE" is a sharing platform which houses all COSP resources currently available. For documents available in English on the VIBE platform, click on the blue tab "English" on the far right. Go to site
MEQ ACGC Meetings and Training Sessions
These documents can be used for reference purposes. Some information may have been revised since the original date of publication.
PPT Presentation of the ACGC Webinar: An Ongoing Collaboration, November 26, 2020
This is the English version of the PowerPoint of the webinar held on October 22, 2020. Download
Implementation of Compulsory ACGC Elementary Cycle Three and Secondary Cycle One 2018-2019
Face-to-face meeting in Montréal, March 2019. Representatives of English school board resource teams and representatives of English private schools. PPT presentation Download
Introduction to Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC)
April 2019 (translation of the PPT presentation of September 2018 VIA online meeting). Download
MEQ Meeting for Board Resource Team Members: Elementary Cycle Three Implementation (2017-2018)
Members of your board's ACGC resource team attended ministry meetings on October 19 & 26, 2017, regarding ACGC implentation in Elementary Cycle Three. The French PPT presentation is available. Download
PDF of the Webinar for Directors Responsible for ACGC in SSCs and SBs, and Administrators in Public and Private Schools. Go to site
Note: This webinar was offered in the Fall and again in Winter, 2022-23.
PPT Outlining the Implementation of the ACGCs. Download
This PowerPoint of the webinar to share some of the specifics of implementation, facilitated by Joanne Veilleux and Yvon Doyle, took place on Wednesday, August 23, 2017.
Introduction to Academic and Career Guidance Content: Information for School Staff
This 10-minute narrated video was released in September 2022 on the MEQ's YouTube site (Éducation Québec). It includes the genesis of the ACGC, followed by a clear explanation of what they are and how they must be implemented. Go to site Please note that this site is not searchable, so to view it you must have the link)
For the PDF version of this video (no narration), Download
Updated: March 13, 2023
ACGC Videos
Introduction to Academic and Career Guidance Content: Information for School Staff
This 10-minute narrated video was released in September 2022 on the MEQ's YouTube site (Éducation Québec).
It includes the genesis of the ACGC, followed by a clear explanation of what they are and how they must be implemented. Go to site
*Please note that this site is not searchable, so to view it you must have the link.
Updated: November 7, 2022
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