ONLINE TUTORING Homework help and tutoring sessions, at no charge, based on your needs
RESOURCES FOR PARENTS For more inspiration on how to get involved in your child’s learning…
LEARN @ HOME A curated list of resources for parents and their children learning at home
Community Learning Centres (CLC), also known as ‘community schools’, support student success and contribute to the vitality of English-speaking communities in Québec.
The English version is available here - Go to page
CT 1 - Exploiter l'information
CT 2 - Résoudre des problèmes
CT 3 - Exercer son jugement critique
CT 4 - Mettre en oeuvre sa pensée créatrice
CT 5 - Se donner des méthodes de travail efficaces
CT 6 - Exploiter les TIC
CT 7 - Actualiser son potentiel
CT 8 - Coopérer
CT 9 - Communiquer de façon appropriée
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