Follow these links for tools developed by LEARN, curated resources for teaching and for professional development, as well as reference information gathered here in a one-stop format.

An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy133.getLayout(long, boolean, long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy133 object "com.liferay.portal.service.impl.LayoutLocalServiceImpl@6458764b"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign pageLayout = LayoutLocalServi...  [in template "20154#20194#578635" at line 24, column 33]
2Application display templates can be used to modify the look of a 
3specific application. 
5Please use the left panel to quickly add commonly used variables. 
6Autocomplete is also available and can be invoked by typing "${". 
8<div class="grid-item" style="margin:5px;height:350px;width:250px;text-align:center;background-size:cover;background-image: url('${background_image.getData()}');"> 
9    <#assign bg_color="rgba(30, 130, 76, 0.7)"> 
10    <#if color_filter?has_content> 
11        <#assign bg_color=color_filter.getData()> 
12    </#if> 
13    <div class="interstitial-green-overlay" style="background-color:${bg_color}"> 
14            <img class="interstitial-img" src="${icon.getData()}" /> 
15            <p class="interstitial-title">${title.getData()}</p> 
16            <#if link_title.getSiblings()?has_content> 
17            	<#list link_title.getSiblings() as cur_link_title> 
18            	    <#assign link_page=""> 
19            	    <#list cur_link_title.getChildren() as elt> 
20            	        <#if elt.getName() == "link_page"> 
21                            <#if elt.getData()?has_content> 
22                                <#assign layoutId = elt.getData()?number /> 
23                                <#assign LayoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")> 
24                                <#assign pageLayout = LayoutLocalService.getLayout(groupId?number,false,layoutId) /> 
25                                <#assign link_page = pageLayout.getFriendlyURL()> 
26                            </#if> 
27                        </#if> 
28                        <#if elt.getName() == "external_url" > 
29                            <#if elt.getData()?has_content> 
30                                <#assign link_page = elt.getData()> 
31                            </#if> 
32                        </#if> 
33                        <#if elt.getName() == "document"> 
34                            <#if elt.getData()?has_content> 
35                                <#assign link_page = elt.getData()> 
36                            </#if> 
37                        </#if> 
38            	    </#list> 
39            		<a href="${link_page}" class="interstitial-link-page">${cur_link_title.getData()}</a> 
40            	</#list> 
41            </#if> 
42    </div> 

Preschool & K

Preschool & K

English Language Arts

Elementary Secondary

Français Langue Seconde

Elementary Secondary



Math, Science & Technology

Elementary Secondary

Social Sciences

Social Sciences Subjects
An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy133.getLayout(long, boolean, long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy133 object "com.liferay.portal.service.impl.LayoutLocalServiceImpl@6458764b"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign pageLayout = LayoutLocalServi...  [in template "20154#20194#578635" at line 24, column 33]
2Application display templates can be used to modify the look of a 
3specific application. 
5Please use the left panel to quickly add commonly used variables. 
6Autocomplete is also available and can be invoked by typing "${". 
8<div class="grid-item" style="margin:5px;height:350px;width:250px;text-align:center;background-size:cover;background-image: url('${background_image.getData()}');"> 
9    <#assign bg_color="rgba(30, 130, 76, 0.7)"> 
10    <#if color_filter?has_content> 
11        <#assign bg_color=color_filter.getData()> 
12    </#if> 
13    <div class="interstitial-green-overlay" style="background-color:${bg_color}"> 
14            <img class="interstitial-img" src="${icon.getData()}" /> 
15            <p class="interstitial-title">${title.getData()}</p> 
16            <#if link_title.getSiblings()?has_content> 
17            	<#list link_title.getSiblings() as cur_link_title> 
18            	    <#assign link_page=""> 
19            	    <#list cur_link_title.getChildren() as elt> 
20            	        <#if elt.getName() == "link_page"> 
21                            <#if elt.getData()?has_content> 
22                                <#assign layoutId = elt.getData()?number /> 
23                                <#assign LayoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")> 
24                                <#assign pageLayout = LayoutLocalService.getLayout(groupId?number,false,layoutId) /> 
25                                <#assign link_page = pageLayout.getFriendlyURL()> 
26                            </#if> 
27                        </#if> 
28                        <#if elt.getName() == "external_url" > 
29                            <#if elt.getData()?has_content> 
30                                <#assign link_page = elt.getData()> 
31                            </#if> 
32                        </#if> 
33                        <#if elt.getName() == "document"> 
34                            <#if elt.getData()?has_content> 
35                                <#assign link_page = elt.getData()> 
36                            </#if> 
37                        </#if> 
38            	    </#list> 
39            		<a href="${link_page}" class="interstitial-link-page">${cur_link_title.getData()}</a> 
40            	</#list> 
41            </#if> 
42    </div> 

Sexuality Education

& Elementary

Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP)

Prework Training Training for a Semiskilled Trade

Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL)

Elementary Secondary

Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC)

Elementary Cycle Three Secondary Cycle 1 Secondary Cycle 2


STEAM / Open Creative Spaces Focus in Action