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RESOURCES FOR PARENTS For more inspiration on how to get involved in your child’s learning…
LEARN @ HOME A curated list of resources for parents and their children learning at home
Community Learning Centres (CLC), also known as ‘community schools’, support student success and contribute to the vitality of English-speaking communities in Québec.
Visual arts education helps children acquire visual literacy and develops their creative potential. Students develop their abilities to symbolize, express and communicate through images as they create personal and media works and appreciate those of classmates and other artists.
Visual Arts Competencies - Elementary
Competency 3: To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images, personal productions, and those of classmates
The act of appreciation is one of examining and reflecting on a work, whether it is one's own, the work of classmates, or professional and amateur work seen outside the classroom. In the arts, teachers are often challenged by time constraints, and wonder how to fit appreciation into tight timelines. Two things to consider are:
- Keep it simple - introduce a framework and use it exclusively for a while
- Do it often - regular moments of appreciation cultivate the appreciation reflex
Keep it simple Ideas
Do it often Ideas
Use post-its on a large Venn diagram on the wall or interactive white board
Build in an appreciation moment at the very start of a project
Have students discuss in groups and share notes on a single Appreciation sheet
Have an appreciation file or station in your classroom for inspiration, and make sure students leave traces in an appreciation journal
Use the same framework for the Artist Statement for personal creations.
Build in appreciation of finished works at the close of a project or as projects are completed
Appreciating Art (for Empathy development) - Download
Professional Learning
MAD2 Facebook Group
A group for Quebec teachers in the Arts from the anglophone sector. Go to page
Arts Connection
Online PD for Arts educators in Quebec, hosted by MAD2. A DEEN committee initiative. Online archive available Go to folder
Spotlight on the Arts
An annual effervescent art education happening organized by the MAD2 DEEN subcommittee, featuring guest speakers, workshops in all four Arts subjects, a round-table discussion and on the spot art-making. Go to page
French-language Quebec network for teaching the Arts using varied current technologies.
Flipped Classroom in all 4 Arts Subjects - Go to page
Wakelet with resources for teaching online - Go to page
Archived web event explaining the resources - Go to page
Blog Posts
Why Our Schools Need the Arts: A New Perspective by Sylwia Bielec Go to page
Professional Organizations
CSEA - The Canadian Society for Education through Art The Canadian Society for Education through Art is the national art education association representing art educators within Canada. It is a voluntary association founded in Quebec City in 1955, and is the only Canadian national organization that brings together visual art educators, gallery educators and others with similar interests and concerns. Membership represents all levels of education: elementary, secondary, college/university, ministries of education, art galleries/museums, and community education.Go to site
NAEA - The National Art Education Association Founded in 1947, the National Art Education Association is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators.Go to site
Artists in Schools
Having practicing artists and specialized art educators in your classroom enriches everyone's experience of the arts. Students deepen their practice and understanding of the Arts. Teachers expand their arts pedagogy know-how.
Breaking down the QEP for artists (webinar done for ELAN)
MEES Program Documents
Quebec Education Program Competencies
Competency 1: To produce individual works in the visual arts
To use personal ideas inspired by the stimulus for creation To use transforming gestures and elements of visual arts language. To organize the elements he/she has chosen To finalize his/her production To share his/her creative experience
Competency 2: To produce media works in the visual arts
To use creative ideas inspired by a stimulus for creation of media works To use transforming gestures and elements of visual arts language according to the message and the intended viewer To organize the elements he/she has chosen, depending on the message and the intended viewer To finalize his/her media creation To share his/her experience of media creation
Competency 3: To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images, personal productions and those of classmates
To examine a work of art, traditional artistic object, media images, personal or media visual arts production for elements of content To examine a work of art, traditional artistic object or media images for sociocultural references (Cycles Two and Three) To make connections between what he/she has felt and examined To make a critical or aesthetic judgment To share his/her appreciation experience
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