Use Intellectual Operations

Talk about your passion by using the Intellectual Operations!


Students in social sciences use the Intellectual Operations in projects and on exams to "use" knowledge. Essentially, these are ways that historians and geographers think and organize what they know, and what interests them.



"How can I talk about something I love to do?"


Well, one way to share what you know is to do it like a historian would, and use the Intellectual Operations! (The I.O.'s)

The IOs are just ways to use knowledge. You'll practice them throughout the year, especially in your history and geography classes. And then the final exam questions will be arranged the same way!

You can understand these operations, through your own real-life examples. Just use them to talk about your passion.

Use the simple paper organizers provide here, to focus on what you know, but also to present your passion to your classmates. Your teacher and peers can even give you feedback. They can also help you refine your understanding of the Intellectual Operations themselves, and help you to use them with to learn the content in your course.

Your Passion

What is something you really really really like?


Or, what is that one thing you really like to do?

Or, even better, what is something you enjoy telling to someone else?!

For some of you it might be a difficult choice. You might need to take some time. But for most people it will be the first thing that pops into your mind. It is something you love to talk about. It is something you don’t really need to research, much. Though actually, you'd like the chance to learn even more about it.

It could be a singer, or a film, or a place. It could be a sport or game. It could be anything! Decide on something, then get ready to think about it like a historian would!

Can't figure out your passion? Here are some sites that might help:
-Find Your Passion With These 8 Thought-Provoking Questions
-How to Find Your Passion

Organize knowledge

Use the I.O.'s to organize knowledge about your passion.

Included here are collections of small organizers for most of the Intellectual Operations. Fill in what you can now, based on what you already know.

Then... If you want, you can take time to research some specific examples in order to make some information more accurate or relevant. You can even collect pictures and videos along the way!

Available as legal-sized Google Docs: 
"HowTo - Your passion using IOs organizers" at


Present your passion to your peers

The intellectual operations can be used to help you organize a presentation on your passion.

You can present filled-in organizers as is. Or you can use them to help you speak to different aspects of your passion.

Visuals can help. Prepare a powerpoint with images or videos to help illustrate this organized knowledge about your passion.

Research may be necessary, but will be natural. While noting down and following up on what you know already, you will find there are some things you need (and want) to investigate. You will confirm facts, or maybe just find more interesting and relevant examples. In the end your presentation will likely contain much more than your first notes.

Ask for feedback from your audience. As you present your passion, as you “teach” your favourite thing, ask your audience if they understand. Ask for feedback on your use of the intellectual operations too, if your points made sense and if you correctly used the I.O.s themselves. Ask your audience if their passion had similar facts, changes, effects.