Educational Technology / RÉCIT Network
Integrating Technology in the Classroom
A successful, educational integration of technology is much more than just using tools in your classroom. It’s asking yourself different questions, such as how will the technology engage students? How will it help support learning or push students to a deeper understanding? Your path to techology integration will look different from someone else’s and it doesn’t matter what your comfort level or level of expertise is. By setting goals and seeking support, you can successfully integrate technology in your classroom.
In the following sections, we have grouped the different resources available to you. The two main sections include Québec’s Digital Action Plan and information about RÉCIT consultants who are available to support you through professional development opportunites and connect you with other educators.
Action Plan on Digital Technology & Digital Competency Framework
In light of the Digital Action Plan ("Plan Numérique") recently implemented by the Quebec Ministry of Education, we have developed a resource to help you navigate these new technologies.
To see our documentation, please follow this link - Go to site
Digital Competency Framework: The aim of this framework is to develop digital competency, which is defined as a set of skills necessary to the confident, critical and creative use of digital technologies to achieve objectives with regard to learning - Go to site
Provincial RÉCIT and LEARN-RÉCIT Services
In Québec, there are both French and English RÉCIT services. Each school board has their own local RÉCIT consultant and each subject area has a team of National RÉCIT consultants. The Anglophone community also has a team of LEARN-RÉCIT consultants that contribute and support professional developement in line with Québec's Digital Action Plan.
Provincial RÉCIT and LEARN-RÉCIT consultants are available board-wide to:
1. Contribute to the development and sharing of national expertise in the use of technology and digital resources for supporting teaching and learning;
2. Support the development and sharing of this expertise with the local RÉCIT resource team, teachers and professionals who accompany teachers, through:
- the production, distribution, and promotion of resources that support teaching and learning through technology and digital resources (these resources are dedicated to the English community);
- online and in-person workshops or training;
- communities of practice and/or sharing.
Here is the team of Provincial and LEARN-RÉCIT consultants:
LEARN-RÉCIT National Services - Anglophone Community
Thomas Stenzel
LEARN-RÉCIT National Services - Anglophone Community
Craig Bullett
LEARN-RÉCIT National Services - Anglophone Community
Carolyn Buteau
National RÉCIT services - Adult Education
To be determined
Regional RÉCIT Services - General Adult Education
Avi Spector
Regional RÉCIT services - Vocational Education
James Burn
Local RÉCIT Services
The local RÉCIT mandate includes:
- Training and professional development of teachers in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for the classroom, in accordance with the implementation of the new program
- Guidance and support of teachers developing and carrying out local educational projects
- Technology watch
- Innovation and experimentation
- Collaboration to foster the provincial network
Your local RÉCIT
Central Québec School Board
Telephone: (418) 688-8730 poste 3126
Twitter: @blieryteach
CQSB Website - Go to site
Eastern Shores School Board
ESSB Educational Services - Go to site
Eastern Townships School Board
Telephone: (819) 868-3100
Fax: (819) 868-2286
Twitter - @meacherteacher
English Montreal School Board
Telephone: (514) 483-7200 ext. 7549
Fax: (514) 483-7246
Twitter - @Kish_Gue
Twitter - @carodupuis
EMSB Website:
Lester B. Pearson School Board
Telephone: (514) 422-3000 x32636
Twitter - @opimian
Littoral School Board
To be announced
New Frontiers School Board
Riverside School Board
Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier School Board
Telephone: (450) 621-5600 ext.1438
SWLSB Website - Go to site
Western Québec School Board
Telephone: (819) 684-2336 ext. 1129
Fax: (819) 684-5800
WQSB Website - Go to site
Flexible Learning Spaces
On Dec 12, 2017, 112 teachers, consultants, & school administrators from across Quebec came to the active learning classrooms at McGill University's Education building to talk about the connections between classroom space design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Go to site
This was a cross-sector day of learning with participants from elementary schools, high schools, adult education centres, vocational centres, and supportive organizations in the English and French sectors.
Congratulations to the organizing committee and facilitators: Andrea Prupas (EMSB), Avi Spector (RSB), Adam Finkelstein (McGill), and Tracy Rosen (CSSMI).
Participating School Boards & Organizations: ETSB, LBPSB, EMSB, SWLSB, WQSB, RSB, CSSMI, CSSV, RECIT, LEARN, CSSS, ASSET, DG Table, ALDI, McGill Teaching & Learning Services.
LEARN Team with Kish Gué, James Burn, Tracy Rosen, and Avi Spector
Honoré Mercier Podcasts
HONORE MERCIER PODCASTS: Students at Honoré Mercier Elementary School in St. Leonard were pretty busy during the first half of the school year, recording nine tri-lingual (English, French & Italian) podcasts about St. Léonard's most famous landmarks.
Celebrating an important achievement
From Café Milano - Montréal to the Caverne de St. Léonard, plaques will soon be placed in front of these famous locations with #QRCodes, which visitors can scan with their smart phone to listen.
Pedagogical organizations such as the RÉCIT and LEARN have greatly helped, in particular with setting up the BaladoWeb site that hosts all the podcasts.
Go to site
In addition to the dedicated teachers (Elisa Infusini, Karina Lajeunesse and Antonietta Morena) a team of resource people also contributed to the success of the project: Sonia Marotta (principal), Kish Gué (local RÉCIT consultant), Dimitri Ilias (Panorama), Thomas Stenzel (LEARN) and Sandra Laine (RÉCIT).
(Sonia Marotta, Alan November and Kish Gué at the launch)
The project was launched at the Leonardo Da Vinci Center in Montréal where educational world leader Alan November was kind enough to offer a few words.
VIsit the BaladoWeb site:
Go to site