Soc Sci Graphic Organizer Storehouse
You have arrived at our central storehouse for Social Sciences Graphic Organizers, many of which were developed for the myriad learning scenarios and document packages on LEARN.
For convenience, we have tried to gather them together here, and to loosely organize them around the Historical Thinking concepts and specifically their guideposts document, while also referencing the Social Science Techniques and the Intellectual Operations.
NOTE: If links below don't work, view top level folder here!
Characterize a historical event. Go to site
Compare and contrast. Go to site
Continuity and Change Go to site
Establish significance Go to site
Historical concepts Go to site
Prior Knowledge Go to site
Reflections (Personal, Ethical, etc.) Go to site
Situate in Time and Space Go to site
Take a Historical / Geo Perspective Go to site
Using Information & Evidence Go to site
ZZZ... Unsorted organizers, etc. Go to site
Planning tools (new!) Go to site
Featured this month: Focus Tools being converted to Google Slides!
We have begun the process of converting many of LEARN's old Focus Series tools to Google Documents/Drawings/Slides. I have been working on ERC focus tools (here and here) and in the process am pulling out appropriate ones for Social Sciences. View the first batch on "Point of View" here
See also: LEARN IO icons and RECITUS Badges
These evaluation tools also contain various organizers to help students understand the competencies and the intellectual operations. please visit our EVALUATION STRATEGIES AND TOOLS page: Go to page