Shrink Food Waste
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#ShrinkFoodWaste. Inspiring Youth Across North America to Prevent Food Waste and Help Save our Planet.
LEARN is proud to partner with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation's (CEC) #ShrinkFoodWaste awareness campaign to address the problem of food waste in North America.
By educating youth on the impact of food loss and waste, we hope to inspire everyday behaviour changes.
The CEC Food Matters Action Kit provides hands-on activities to reduce food waste in school and home, and is a starting point to research the reasons so much food is wasted.
Learn about the environmental and social impact of food waste and take action!
Food Matters Action Kit Resources
RESOURCES for educating children and youth about food loss and waste
Food Matters Action Kit
The Kit contains over 70 activities to engage youth in preventing food waste. Activities can be done individually or in a series, in any order that suits learning themes for your class or organization. There are two sets of activities: for kids (ages 5-13) and youth (ages 14-25) organized together by theme. Many activities are relevant for either age group, so feel free to explore them all!
Complementary resources
If you are a community organizer, an educator, or a professional working with children and youth on raising awareness about food loss and waste, here are some resources to support you with your outreach efforts.
- Activity guide - Download
- Activity guide flyer - Download
- Activity guide PPT presentation - Download
LEARN, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) and RECYC-QUÉBEC celebrated World Food Day (October 16, 2020) by hosting a bilingual webinar to learn about the Food Matters Action Kit/Trousse d’action anti-gaspillage un clé en mains riche en ressources informatives et en activités pratiques et créatives pour inciter les gens de tous âges à éviter le gaspillage de nourriture à la maison, à l'école et dans la communauté.
- Make une différence ! Take Action on le gaspillage alimentaire! - The whole webinar.
Go to Site - Lutte au gaspillage alimentaire - Maxine Dallaire de RECYC-QUÉBEC présente le gaspillage alimentaire en chiffres et la campagne pancanadienne pour réduire le gaspillage alimentaire.
Go to Site - Trousse d’action anti-gaspillage alimentaire - Antonia Andúgar de CEC présente un outil numérique qui propose 20 activités pédagogiques sur le gaspillage alimentaire et des idées de dizaines d’autres activités !
Go to Site - The Food Waste Problem in North America - Armando Yáñez from the CEC sensitizes us to the shocking causes of food waste in North America and how we can tackle this problem together.
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Videos for Students
#ShrinkFoodWaste: Let’s Shrink Food Waste Mountain
From the community
Celebrate the efforts of your students and community to #ShrinkFoodWaste.
Send a photo, video or written explanation to LEARN ( showing your strategy and we will share your success!