Outdoor & Environmental Education
Professional Learning Resources
Outdoor Learning in Winter with Pamela Gibson - Feb 15th, 2022
Webinar in collaboration with Learning for a Sustainable Future
Outdoor Education and Online Learning for K-Cycle 1 Learners
Debbie Myles and Annie Renaud from Forest Hill Junior School (LBPSB), share teaching strategies and discuss the importance of outdoor education.
Winter Wonderland Webinar with Sylvie Ozell and Kelly Fahey
Our local experts share benefits, materials, activities and much more to get any educator ready for taking their learners outside for real-life learning.
Quebec Outdoor Learning Panel 2022
Webinar in collaboration with Cassandra Dubois, Sylvie Ozell, Jayne Dodderidge, Nadie Cyr & Kelly Fahey
Cassandra Dubois's presentation slides here.
Sylvie Ozell's presentation slides here.
Jayne Dodderidge's presentation slides here.
Nadie Cyr's presentation slides here.
Kelly Fahey's presentation slides here.