Special Visits
Mr. Jean-François Roberge, Minister of Education, visits LEARN
LEARN had the pleasure of welcoming at our Laval office Mr. Jean-François Roberge, Minister of Education & Higher Education, and Mr. Christopher Skeete, MNA for Sainte-Rose & Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier for Relations with English-speaking Quebecers.
They were pleased to learn about our resources & services through our Virtual Campus, work being done by the Provincial Resource Team to support the Community Learning Centres, discovered the NEXTschool Initiative and LEARN’s overall support for the English-speaking community in Quebec. LEARN's Pedagogical Services team also greeted the Minister into our Open Creative Space and discussed how we support innovative pedagogical practices, hands-on learning and the integration of technology in the classroom.
Take a look at some of the photos from Mr. Jean-François Roberge, Minister of Education's visit
Mr. Christopher Skeete, MNA Député de Sainte-Rose and Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers, visits LEARN
"This is the Next Step in Education"
LEARN was thrilled to have received a visit from Christopher Skeete - Député de Sainte-Rose on February 1, 2019, at our corporate head office in Laval.
Mr. Christopher Skeete experienced one of our online classes for SN4 Math and interacted with LEARN online teacher Peggy Drolet and her virtual classroom. He also participated in our Open Creative Space Day with teachers from school boards across the province of Quebec. Here's what he had to say about the online classes: "This, for me, is the next step in education. Technology like this guarantees our presence and guarantees our ability to learn in English, so this is very cool."
Take a look at some of the photos and a video clip of MNA Christopher Skeete’s visit