Supporting Families in CLC Schools

Families play an important role in the education of children. Parents are their child's first teachers and mentors. When children enter school, educators join the team to help further the academic, social and emotional education of students. Together, families and schools can create the best environments in which children can learn, grow and thrive as citizens. 

There are a variety of ways schools can promote family engagement. Joyce Epstein of John Hopkins University developed a Framework for Parent Involvement that defines six different types. Each type is accompanied by synonyms of “caring”, and Epstein emphasizes two defining synonyms that underlie all six types - Trusting and Respecting. It may be useful to think of these types of engagement as different expressions of care, which families may be accustomed to doing in some way. Download the infographic in the tools (Six Types of Family Involvement)

Each school has committees and groups that include parents as leaders, participants or volunteers. There are official groups, like the Governing Board and PPO (Parent Participation Organization) and/or Home and School Associations. Parent volunteers are also invited to help with events, activities, and programming during the school day. Does the school have a family involvement committee? Consider asking for parent representatives to join the group. 

Many CLC schools offer programs and activities for families with preschool children as a way to build relationships between home and school. Learn more about School Readiness. Go to page 

There are samples of two surveys available as resources: one for parents, one for school staff. Please contact the PRT for direct access to these surveys.

The Provincial Resource Team (PRT) offers support to CLC schools developing and implementing projects, programs and activities that promote family engagement in all aspects of school life. 
