Support for Quebec’s English-Speaking Community

Students attending English schools in Quebec represent less than 10 percent of all students in the education system and many of the 325+ English schools are small and isolated. These schools are often the last remaining English institutions in their communities and are increasingly being turned into community centres, “responsible not only for the students’ academic performance but also for the development of their language and culture” (Advisory Board on English Education, 2000).

In 2005, the Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur (MEES) developed an action plan to support the development of community schools that would serve as “hubs” for English-language education and community development.

With funding from the Government of Canada’s Department of Canadian Heritage to support Official Language Minority (OLM) education, Quebec’s community schools movement, known as the Community Learning Centre (CLC) Initiative, was introduced in 15 schools in 2006.  

Today the network has grown to include more than 90+ English schools in urban, rural and remote communities across Quebec and the community school strategy has put Quebec's English-speaking schools at the forefront of innovative models for schooling in minority language settings. (Patricia Lamarre, May 2021 - "The Community School Network in Quebec's Official Language Minority Language Education Sector
